Yule, The Fool & The Potion Witch
Last night was the first of 4 Yule ceremonies for me. Yule/Winter
Solstice is one of my favorite sabbats, though Beltane is number 1 on my list,
of course. But after being in & out of the Underworld since Mabon (See my
Mabon – Samhain Blog) Yule is a welcome breath of fresh life.
The Yule ceremony last night was at The Silver Broom
Ministries in Sayville. We charged the Yule Spell that I posted last time. It
was a lot of fun. I have to say that I did some of my best work on that spell. The
rhyme may not be 100% but if you count, each line has 8 syllables, 1 per each
sabbat of the Wheel of the Year. I am a Virgo, what can I say?
So having popped up from the Underworld this last time
(for now) a few days ago, I can only say that I feel great. I got to chill in
the 8th Chakra for a longer span of time & the inspiration I
received was like gold, mined from the depth of the Unconscious Mind. I’m
feeling refreshed & eager for the new Solar Year.
The Solar Cycles of our lives have a greater sway on us than
we often realize. Just consider the literal seasons. Yule is the first official
day of Winter & here on Long Island, NY we get it in full. We take to
bundling up, settling in after the rush of the various holidays & returning
to some aspects of hibernation.
Yet the Birth energy of Yule urges us to plant
the seeds of what we want garnered from the review of the past year. I got my
clarity because I took my time feeling out my life. I know what I want more
clearly than ever before & my intentions are lined up.
So, with intentions & spells written I am ready to leap
into the new. OK, it doesn’t feel like a leap so much as a set of baby steps.
But since this sabbat has to do with the Birth of the Sun, we are all like
energetic babies, fresh from the womb of our own internal mothering of the past
few months. Sure I’m not ready to run out & take the world by the balls.
You just don’t send a baby to work day 1 do you?
No, you keep it warm, safe & fed, 3 things, at least,
that I’m doing very well with & intending to continue till at least the
next sabbat of Imbolc in February. But for now, it’s all about creating my new
year with fresh perspective & taking a symbolic leap of faith via small
The seeds of my personal magick to be done are clear in my mind &
having to do with a new Annual Patron, success & expansion. I feel like I
am perched on top of a cliff, just one step away from the unknown. That image
is very familiar to me. It’s like the card of the Fool in the Tarot.
The Leap awaits with 1 step
The Fool is the Major Arcana card numbered 0, between the
last card in the cycle of The World (21) & the first card of the cycle The
Magician (1). That’s where I am, between the old & new, poised for the 1
baby step that may cause plummet or flight. That’s the risk isn’t it, fall or
Thankfully I know what I’m doing & though sometimes we drop a bit, the
momentum from the nosedive can be redirected into a meteoric rise. But that’s
an everyday thing too isn’t it? The moment our eyes open each morning, we are
the Fool ready with 1 step to take the risk of sinking of soaring.
My symbolic seeds are many. For starters, I’m starting
January with something I’ve never done before. Every Friday for the foreseeable
future I will be doing phone readings.
Need a reading?
I always shied away from it as I much
prefer the face to face intimacy of a private reading. But I have been doing
them for years for out of state clients or for those who couldn’t get to my
office in Sayville.
My guides don’t care about distance, being non-physical &
all. So I’m putting it out there. On available Fridays I will spend a good
chunk of the day in jammies with a full pot of coffee & read from a comfy
spot on my couch or in my extremely cloud-like bed. YAY, I love being Self
I’m also launching a new 13 week series of Witchclass Cycle
Three – Gods & Goddesses.
This should be fun
Each week I’ll be teaching 3 hour classes diving
deep into the Hellenic Greek Gods; their myth, archetypal make up &
magick. The Gods we’ll be working with
are: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Circe, Demeter, Dionysus, Eros, Hades,
Harmonia, Hephaestus, Hera, Heracles, Hermes, Hestia, Hygeia, Pan, Persephone, Poseidon
& of course Zeus.
Zeus is my personal patron for this New Year & I’m
really looking forward to embodying his power in the clearest, cleanest, best
feeling way possible while trying o manage the lightning risk to myself &
But for now, I’ve got more Yule Gifts to make. I decided to
go the potion route this year. I’m actually a pretty good Potion Witch. I’m no Severus
Snape, but I can mix a pretty magickal concoction. Ask anyone I’ve ever made a
cocktail for. (See the Shot Spells Blog.)
Whatever could they be?
I’m not going to reveal what the
actual potions are at the moment, as they are gifts. But you know me, I’ll
share them once they have been delivered. But let’s just say they were inspired
& some of the more powerful ones I’ve ever made, not to mention very practical.
You’ll see, or should I say Yule see!
Until then, I’ve got a lot on my plate. No rest for the Witch…
I used to say no rest for the Wiccan, but I’m not technically Wiccan anymore. I’m
an Eclectic Witch; hence my exploration & practice of the Greek Gods, A
Course in Miracles, The Law of Attraction, Sanskrit Mantras & the Gods only
know what else I’m forgetting & coming next down the pike.
I can only say that I’m going to do my best to cultivate Joy,
Ease, Flow, Grace & a few other things I have brewing up my sleeve, pardon
the mixing of metaphor. But I sense with this high of an energy, this early on
that I’ve got a good momentum going. It will be fun to see how it comes
together. Regardless, I’m feeling ready, reborn, refreshed & ready to
teach, read, heal, counsel & all the other stuff I love to do as a Professional
My son Sabastian blissed out in the Vortex
Consider yourself invited to join in on the wild ride that this
next solar year can bring. I’ll be doing my best to ride the surf, go
downstream, get in the Vortex, live on a high flying disc & do my thing
with as much laughter, eagerness & style as I can muster. In this way, the
Yule Fire I’ll be lighting will be under my ass, as 2014 is going to be a busy
Wishing you all the best of the Season & may the Gods
themselves hold you close in their love & guidance.
Blessed Be & Blessed Yule
Rev. Mark A. Lyons, President
Drawing the Circle Productions INC.
631-968-8307 @ProfWitch on Twitter
Rev. Mark A. Lyons, President
Drawing the Circle Productions INC.
631-968-8307 @ProfWitch on Twitter