Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Prayer for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is an Astrological event that happens 3 times a year.
Because of the different shapes & sizes of planetary orbits, some planets appear to go backwards in the sky for periods of time. They don't actually reverse in orbit, but they appear to.

When this happens, the planet's sphere of symbolic influence tends to go backwards. for example; when Venus goes retro, relationships tend to get complicated or we go through a period of rethinking relationships, major purchases etc. In other words, we redo that content of the planet's energetic coordinated in our lives.

When it happen to Mercury, as it will this weekend, we have the opportunity to re-think everything in our lives. At the same time, people tend to experience a certain amount of chaos & turbulence in all things dealing with messages & communications. It's not a great time to sign contracts for example, as what we think during mercury retro tends to change once it comes direct. The tendency to misread detail is huge. So we are all advised again & again to slow down, rethink everything & examine detail before making any major decisions.

I also find it helpful, as a speaker, teacher & communicator, to emphasize clarity when I speak. Though even I get tongue-tied during Merc Ret. So here is a prayer I wrote several years ago. It is a prayer to Hermes, the Greek Messenger of the Gods, who is the pre-Roman version of Mercury.
I suggest this as a daily prayer. What in life is once & done? The intention is about grace, walking in grace, talking in grace & above all else, living in grace.

Let me know how this feels & works for you in the comments below & of course, I wish us all well through this potentially amazing time of rethinking our lives.

Blessed Be,

Rev. Mark A. Lyons, President
Drawing the Circle Productions INC.
631-968-8307 @ProfWitch on Twitter

Prayer for Mercury Retrograde

Dear Hermes,

I know this Mercury Retrograde is a trying time.

Please, let your divine order permeate my life. I let it in so it can do its work.

May this time be used for my highest good & for the highest good of all concerned.

Align my life to your will. Use this retrograde as a time for refinement.

May I have grace through this month & next,

so I will easily & effortlessly become that which you would have me be.

Bless my path & my way. Remind me of the things I have to remember.

Open my eyes & my mind so I may find the things you have placed right in front of me.

Open & heal my heart, so if I do get frustrated & afraid, I have what I need to heal readily available.

Please Hermes, help me to see your will.

May your Divine order be wholly displayed in my life & in all my affairs,

so the world may see your might & glory. 

So Mote it Be.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Imbolc 2013 Part III; Fashion, Romance & Honor

Some time has gone by since my last blog. I wrote Part II right before going into New York Fashion Week & what a week it was. I needed time to integrate, because I’m not the same person who wrote that last blog. It’s me, but a lot has changed. I will attempt to briefly tell the story in 3 parts.


Fashion Week was incredible. My friend Eila & I have been going to the Spring & Fall shows for the past few years. Our experience has been an ongoing evolution. Every season brings its joys & challenges. We have both grown as a result & as a result, the projects are expanding in scope & getting more fun. Our way is being made, if not easier, then more fun.

For example, working with Starr Films on the No Wire Hangers pilot was a lot of fun for me. I’m Eila’s assistant, so I’ll do just about anything. My Virgo self just kicks in & I go from Fashion Photographer, to ‘Scout’ meaning I scan for certain people for Eila to interview. I even do stints as ‘MAL the Amazing Walking Coat Tree,’ but I really love it. It’s sort of a Virgo obstacle course; serve & keep an eye on the details. I did. Meeting Marilu Henner was my highlight of the week. I ‘gay-flirted’ with her, snapped her picture, made her laugh & she touched my face in appreciation. I made Elaine Nardo from Taxi giggle. That’s just cool.

The cast & crew on No Wire Hangers were great. We had fun & got some amazing stuff for the show. It has been a really long time since I was part of something so directly focused in the entertainment field. I have been skirting it here & there with Eila of course. But this was more immediate & hands on. It was like being on a migratory TV stage; cameraman, director, talent & GO! I had a blast. I was treated really well & I got to serve, the Virgo word, 2nd maybe to the word analyze.

What I learned throughout the week is still integrating. It has to do about honor on many levels; honoring yourself, honoring others, honoring the process. Honoring where everyone was allowed me the spiritual flexibility to stay cool & move on when things got bumpy. Then I actually witnessed the expansion in the situation, though more often in retrospect.  In other words, every bump moment led to a better idea & a fresher direction when I stayed honorable & calm. Much has evolved within me & I’ll even go far to say Eila & I’s experience of Fashion Week has been stepped up a notch. It keeps getting better, healthier & more balanced.

I made new friends, learned some new skills & certainly applied spiritual principle throughout. In short I was able to alchemize what would appear to be a commercial, cosmetic journey into a spiritual & very honor based experience. I’m glad it is only twice a year, but I wouldn’t trade these weeks for what they bring out of me spiritually.


You know, I’ve always been fond of Love Spells. LOL! That’s the understatement of the blog. I started studying magick & Witchcraft as a teen. Who wouldn’t dabble in love magick? Well, I did & learned the price paid very young. I now consider it one of the most dangerous forms of magick & as a result of wisdom gained; I keep my Love Magick aimed at ME.

That said, every now & again I’ll let the universe know that I’m ready to do more than have a quick spin around the sexual dance floor (Booty Call Spells). I wanted a longer adventure, one that has plenty of sweet, slow dances. So, I’d occasionally light a candle, toss some petals in the canal behind my house, chant something simple then forget I did it. It was magick that said, “I’m ready, I think…for the highest good & all that. In Perfect Love & Perfect Trust, let the music begin.” I don’t target anyone. There are no hairs or nail clippings involved, no business cards or pictures. I just put it out there in a general way; say ’so mote it be.’ & get back to work.

Whether it was a spell that set the wheels in motion, the Angels hearing 2 people’s prayers or just the path the Gods intended all along, I am now a boyfriend. There is no one more surprised than me, but it is accompanied by feeling very lucky that I made it here. Mind you, I don’t really believe in luck.

My new man is a great guy & a somewhat shy Cancerian. He’s beautiful, warm, smart, communicative & really sweet/romantic. I grew up with female crabs all though my life. But the Cancerian male is a whole other shellfish. He’s better than I expected, honestly. At this point I’m keeping him anonymous only because if you are in my life, you know him & like I said, he is a “somewhat shy Cancerian.” I really honor that, as I am used to dating 4 alarm extroverts. We are going at a healthy & very sweet pace.

We met on Christmas Day as if by chance. We spent New Year’s Eve together at our annual party in my home. We had a magickal night & everyone got along greatly. Seeing each other once or twice a week since, well… it was clear that monogamy was imminent. So I hatched a plan. By Valentine’s Day we made it official. We are now boyfriends.

Let’s just keep in mind that I have been a slut, though one with integrity, for a long time. My road to this guy was a long winding & yes, twisted one. I’m 44. I’ve been out of the closet since junior year of high school.& have experienced True Love, Great Love, Fast Love, Cheap Love, & of course, the turd in the punchbowl, Unrequited Love. All of them were lessons. Each relationship got me consistently clearer about what I want & who I want to be in an intimate, romantic, monogamous relationship. Welcome to my mid-40’s, I’m off the market & in love with a good man. Go Figure! Is nesting soon to follow? He likes to clean. That helps. I don’t.

BTW, it’s not like the lessons stop. Oh no, life goes on for the Witch, the Lover, the Teacher & all the other parts of my Soul. But this man is more than a Lover. He is a companion; responsible, has his shit together & willing to grow into being the best he can be. Who am I not to dance to this music, even though it started with Christmas carols in the air? It happens when you least expect it, right? I honor him & am more than willing to see where this adventure may lead.


What weaves the first 2 subjects of Fashion & Romance together is what I learned about Honor & how it ties into the Season of Imbolc. Remember, the sabbats aren’t just days, they are full seasons, opportunities to attune to & grow with the cycles of nature; go with the flow. It’s what Witches do. Plugging the sabbat into the 2nd Chakra & its sacred Truth, “Honor One Another” is the silver thread that ties both evolutions together in my life (See part I & II of this sabbat blog.)

The 2nd Chakra is umbilical, connecting you to the 2nd Chakra of every person you had, or have in your life. The quality of that energy determines not only the health of the relationship, but your own spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health as well. Every relationship we have teaches us in terms to get clear about what we want & who we want to be in relationships. I’m not just talking romance & sex here; we’re talking individual relationships with parents, friends, family & even our relationship with Money & Creativity. That’s a lot.

So as I underwent both simultaneous stories of Fashion & Romance, I was able to hold the coordinates of Honor One Another. Even if I didn’t know how to in the moment, I had the desire to honor the person I was dealing with. If I wasn’t honored back eventually, I did something to shift that, usually in myself/honored myself & things worked out perfectly, honor was always restored on both sides.

Wacky huh? You’d think there was magick afoot or something. It was magick perhaps, maybe a few circling spells in the atmosphere decided to land all at once, an enchanted blitzkrieg of sorts. But I also know I did my inner work. I wasn’t trying to manifest anything specifically. I just kept an eye on my internal energies in how they felt. I kepy myself in alignment with Source, Spirit, my Gods etc & I did it only because I wanted to feel good emotionally. As a result I grabbed the brass ring, or in this case 2 beautiful silver boyfriend rings & a new evolving project that bridges the Fashion, Entertainment & Spiritual worlds.

So, who knows what happens next? Ostara is less than a month away & already my calendar looks wild. I guess I’ll just have to keep blogging. I’ll keep you in the loop. But mind you, Mercury turns Retrograde this week. So keep your spell check on & your spells checked 2 or 3 times.

Blessed Be,

Rev. Mark A. Lyons, President
Drawing the Circle Productions INC.
631-968-8307 @ProfWitch on Twitter

Friday, February 1, 2013

Imbolic 2013 Part II

So, today is 2/1/2013 & Imbolc is here, depending on who you ask. I will celebrate it tomorrow with some magick & probably a whole box of candles. But today, I just about bounced out of bed before I even realized it’s a High Holy Day. My to-do list is really jammed packed, but I did want to blog a bit more before suiting up & getting things done, as that’s part of what Imbolc is about; Banishing Winter & getting ready for Spring.

Now I know as a business owner that there is always plenty of work to do. There are days that, though I don’t have any events booked, I have plenty of ‘unpaid’ stuff to do. This is true of all of us. There is paperwork, housework & the ever present spiritual work it takes to keep us in balance. But what makes life fun, most of the time, is the creativity that we get to employ as we go.

For example, I have been working with one of my best friends Eila Mell for the past few years in the world of fashion. I left that world many years ago, in my teens, when I tried my hand/face/body as a model. I hated it. It was impossible for me at the time to balance my internal growth, which I chose to do, with the rigors of being evaluated purely on how I looked. I burnt out after a year of small success & huge rejection, which is what modeling entails for all but the few. Soon after that I began teaching & found my true career doing so.

Eila is a fashion journalist & I felt called to help her out as an assistant. It was like the Gods said, “GO HELP HER!” with wry, knowing smiles on all 12 of their faces. If you go back in my blog to September of last year I wrote quite a bit about my experiences at New York Fashion Week 9/2012 & how I somehow miraculously managed to keep my spiritual balance. To date I have assisted her through 2 books, New York Fashion Week: the Designers, the Models, the Fashions of the BryantPark Era & Project Runway: The Show that Changed Fashion as well as 3 years of 2 Fashion Weeks per year.

Well, guess what? Fashion week starts next Thursday & we are already booked pretty consistently with events & a new project. No Wire Hangers, is a TV show we have been working on for the past few months & are ready to start shooting. Check out the Facebook Page at No Wire Hangers.

Thankfully I have a behind the scenes roll as a writer for the series. Actually, I am a comedy writer for it, so I don’t have to know dick about fashion in any way that requires expertise. That’s Eila’s gig, as well as Viktor Luna’s specialty. Viktor is a fashion designer & at this point best known for being in the top 3 of Project Runway’s Season 9. He’s a lot of fun to work with & as I get to know him better, I find he’s more of a Virgo than I am, in a very cool, stylish & detailed way. It's a great project to be included in & I get to pitch a billion idea of which maybe a million are funny, 'nuff said.

What does this have to do with Imbolc? Well, just about everything. We started ‘dreaming’ this all up right before Yule, 12/21.2012. It makes sense that with the creativity of the Season of Imbolc/Rebirth, that we would start giving it legs, shooting footage, editing & all of that now. It is slated to be presented to the public during Spring or the Season of Ostara, where we actually see the flowers, buds & eventually blooms.

As usual, my career is creative & takes me into new places that, seriously, I never thought I would be guided into. TV? Really? That’s where the Gods want me, at least for now? OK, says the Elder Witch in me. Do your best & kick as much magickal ass as you can, keep uplifting people & by all means have fun as you go. So you see, this season can be an amazing time of creativity, especially in how we see things. 

Creative thinking is at on the rise now & for the next month or so, so seek to see things differently. You have zero idea where it is leading, no one ever does. But if you bring that fun, saucy 2nd Chakra energy to it (see last blog) you can really enjoy the ride & the adventure as it unfolds regardless of outcome. For now, all I have to do is keep my energy up & the funny coming. It is an adventure for sure.

Speaking of adventures, you know I am ever a pawn in the Gods' game of love & romance. Yes my Dears, I am dating someone on a more than occasional basis. This too is all about Imbolc, the 2nd Chakra & all that jizz, I mean Jazz.. I met him on Christmas Day. He is really wonderful & I consider him the best Christmas Gift I have ever gotten. Again, no idea where it is headed, but I know that if I keep my symbolic coordinates clear in my view, I will navigate this well & possibly end up with an actual 'regular' boyfriend.

It’s true, I may actually commit monogamy. I make it sound like an illegal act don’t I? Well, what do you want from someone who has spent years as a Spiritual & Ethical Slut? 

But more of that later in Part III where will sum this up with the Sacred Truth of the 2nd Chakra, "Honor One Another." Yep, it all dovetails, so check back again soon. In other words...

(To be continued, again)

Click here for Part III

Blessed Be,

Rev. Mark A. Lyons, President
Drawing the Circle Productions INC.
631-968-8307 @ProfWitch on Twitter