The following is a 'quickie spell' that I wrote many, many, many, many years ago to open up the lines of communication between myself & another with whom said lines had dropped off. It worked without much delay.
However, when I tried it again (different person) from a place of worry, it didn't work at all. So before casting, have an imaginary conversation with the person you want to communicate with until you feel the flow a bit. Sense how you want the conversation to feel & the better it feels the higher the vibration & the faster the energy.
Good luck & keep the lines open on your end to so that which wants to connect with you: another, your soul, the Gods, have easier access. After all, communication is a 2 way street.
Communication Spell
of air blowing breeze,
flow with ease.
perfect ways & perfect pace
words now flow through time & space.
me & my heart’s desire
I require.
the highest good & harming none
I will it so let it be done.
Even though it uses, 'heart's desire' that need not immediately imply a lover. Your heart's desire refers to what you feel about the subject of communication. Want it to feel good & the good feeling (element of Water, which is made up of Air/thought/words) empowers the spell. The better it feels, the more powerful the spell.